JUUL Vape Pods Linked to Serious Injuries and Health Risks

If your child or teenager is addicted to JUUL vape pods, the team at AkinMears, L.L.P. is here to help. Our law firm is representing families with children and young adults who have become addicted to JUUL or developed life-threatening health conditions from use of this dangerous device.
JUUL Labs marketed their “vaping” device with the claim that “Juuling” is safe and failed to warn of the significant danger of nicotine addiction and serious diseases it can cause. Their business strategy with sleek design, attractive marketing, aggressive social media campaigns, packaging and variety of flavors targeted children and teens. All the while the use of JUUL is just as harmful, if not more, than regular cigarettes.
What are the Health Risks of Juuling?
Vaping or Juuling has been linked to serious injuries that are preventable if vaping is avoided. Injuries that have been linked to JUUL include:
- Nicotine Addiction
- Seizures
- Heart Attack
- Stroke
- Pneumonia
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Advanced Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Death

The U.S. Surgeon General has labeled vaping devices to be a “national epidemic” among children and teens.

JUUL Addiction Risk and Misled Consumers
JUUL has aggressively marketed their vaping devices to children and teens. The device comes in several designs, all easy to conceal from parents or teachers. The fruity and candy-like flavors target teens who have never smoked before. Advertising is also misleading, promising to be safe with little or no mention of possible side effects.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that 33 percent of teen JUUL users choose the product because of the available flavors. Seventeen percent of teen JUUL users report believing that the devices are safer than other tobacco products.
Even more concerning, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports the following:
- 70% of teens report regular exposure to vaping advertisements.
- Retail advertising reaches over 50% of middle schoolers and high schoolers.
- Internet advertising reaches more than 30% of middle schoolers, and more than 40% of high schoolers.
JUUL was aggressively marketed online through advertisements and social media.
JUUL Advertising Targets Children and Teens
JUUL is marketed to be a fun and safe product. The advertising certainly appeals to children and teens, which is evident in the brand’s popularity. JUUL is so popular that almost half of all Twitter users who follow the company are teens between 13 and 17. Far too young to be purchasing nicotine products. Yet, this is the age group being aggressively marketed to.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that 33 percent of teen JUUL users choose the product because of the available flavors. Seventeen percent of teen JUUL users report believing that the devices are safer than other tobacco products.
Even more concerning, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports the following:
- 70% of teens report regular exposure to vaping advertisements.
- Retail advertising reaches over 50% of middle schoolers and high schoolers.
- Internet advertising reaches more than 30% of middle schoolers, and more than 40% of high schoolers.
JUUL was aggressively marketed online through advertisements and social media.

JUUL Addiction Attorneys Represent Cases Nationwide
The JUUL addiction attorneys at AkinMears, L.L.P. are representing young adults and families with children who have suffered injuries due to vaping devices. We are handling claims from across the U.S. If you, your child or teen has become addicted to JUUL, or has suffered injuries from using the device, call us now at 800-684-2136 or fill out the form for a complementary legal consultation.